• UL & CE approved powerful turbo motors deliver 90% more thrust & spread.
  • Complies to sterile area norms.
  • Mirror polished inner surface inside SS tank.
  • Sound level below Intl. norms.
  • Electric shockproof motor housing made of unbreakable Engg. plastics.
  • Accurate & fix disinfection flow dosing.
  • Ultra low consumption of disinfectant ensure economy.
  • Stainless steel Gr. 304,autoclavable, leak proof tank set.
  • Delay start & auto switch-off digital timer
  • Optional : Metering valve for medium to heavy fog generation
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Technical Specification
  • Precision Metering System : 35ml / minute

  • Solution Tank & Lid: 5 Litre Stainless Steel Gr. 304 (Autoclavable) Liquid Filling Nipple – SS 304  or Engg. Plastics Tank Set 5 Ltr. Capacity with Graduated Markings Tank Gasket – Silicon Grade
  • Aerosols : Submicron size(non wetting)

  • Spread & Reach : 50 ft. distance & 25.ft. height

  • Space Treatment : Upto 15000 cu. ft.

  • Treatment of 100 sq. ft. area : 200ml. disinfectant solution

  • Nozzle Assembly : Non clogging design-— Stainless Steel needle non reactive Engg. plastics.

  • Precision Metering System : 5 Litre Stainless Steel Gr. 304 (Autoclavable) Liquid Filling Nipple – SS 304  or Engg. Plastics Tank Set 5 Ltr. Capacity with Graduated Markings Tank Gasket – Silicon Grade

  • Silicon Tubing : Complies to FDA & USP CLASS VI.

  • Machine Handle : Stainless Steel

  • Mounting Ring : Stainless Steel

  • Strainer : Stainless Steel

  • Liquid Line Connectors : Stainless Steel

  • Hardware : Stainless Steel

  • Intake Air Filter : Uniquely designed Two layers for dust & fog separation

  • Machine Weight : 7.0 kg portable. (with SS Tank set)

  • Machine Weight  : 6.0 kg portable. (with Plastic Tank set)

Next Generation Aerial Disintection System
  • Sets new benchmark in environment disinfection.
  • Faster and safer procedure
  • Highly effective in infection control

Aerojet Steriz Result of an innovative design & excellence in engineering.

Validated for the critical tasks of prevention of microbial contamination in healthcare & pharmaceutical industries.

Enables non toxic procedure when used with eco friendly fumigants.

Performance, technical parameters, safety or aesthetics, our products are second to none.

Aerojet Steriz When Used With Disinfectant Solution.
  • Generates ultra fine & non wetting aerosols( dry vapour like fog)
  • Large aerosole volume ensures quick & uniform coverage in large spaces upto 15000cuft & more.
  • Accurate dosing & ultra low consumption of disinfectant ensures economy.
  • No more maneuvering of machine required.
  • Compatible with all leading disinfectant/fumigant solutions.
  • No wet floors & surfaces
  • Uniform spread & sufficient contact time with micro-organisms achieves assured disinfection
  • Safe for medical & clean room equipments
Aerial & Environment Disinfection Applications

Disinfection Treatment Against Diseases Outbreak & Epidemic.

Hospitals : Operation Theaters & ICUs, General wards, Clinics.

Pharmaceutical & Biotech Industries : Injectable Vaccines, Parenteral Mfg. Areas

Laboratories : Microbiology, Tissue Culture, Stem Cell & IVF.

Medical Devices Mfg.

Hatcheries & Animal Houses

Food Processing & Dairy Industry

Anti mildew treatment

Sericultural Industry

Dry Vapour Fumigation Machine
  • Compatible with wide range of (H2O2 based) fogging solutions & environment disinfectants.
  • Enables fast & safe aerial fumigation process.
  • Generates ultra fine (sub micron sized) dry fog of non wetting aerosols disinfecting large spaces uniformly.
  • Delivers 90% more thrust & spread than any other fogging machine.
  • No wet surfaces, Non-wetting aerosol fog safe for equipments.
  • Validated for bio decontamination in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, laboratories, veterinary & food sectors.
  • Fumigation is delivered as a dry vapour allowing furniture to be also subjected to the decontamination process.
  • Cost effective, and competitively priced.
  • In the fight against infections & disease outbreak, we have developed the ultimate safe, rapid & effective fumigation machine, which can be used with wide range of (H2O2 based) fogging solutions & other environment disinfectants for effective removal of spores, bacteria and the virus associated with a wide range of nosocomial pathogens.
  • Used in : Operating theatres, recovery rooms, ICUs, mortuaries, general wards, ambulances, IVF facility Laboratories, clinics etc.
Pharmaceutical, Laboratories, Biotechnology & Medical Device Mfg. Sector
  • Companies & labs need to ensure that their clean rooms & sterile areas are microbiologically safe at all times in order to manufacture injections, medicines, liquid orals, vaccines as well as medical devices.
  • Dry vapor like fog of H2O2 based fogging solutions generated by AEROJET STERIZ is a proven & validated disinfection treatment for these areas.
  • It is equally useful for disinfection of ducts and HV/AC systems.
  • Facilities can range from very small rooms to large areas.
Aerial Disinfection And Environment Sanitization In Food & Beverage Plants
  • AEROJET STERIZ is an ideal choice for aerial/environment disinfection/fogging of space in production & packaging areas and fogging on inaccessible difficult to reach machinery surfaces.
  • It can also be used for disinfection of water contact surfaces such as water tanks, all food contact surfaces such as food trays, vessels, jars, machinery, food storage containers etc.
Disinfection In Animal Houses & Veterinary Hospitals
  • Effective sanitation of animal facilitiesis vital to the health of the animals. The majority of sanitizing routines are based around the manual spraying of disinfectants that takes time and effort to apply.
  • Use of AEROJET STERIZ ensures speedy dispersion of the disinfecting aerosol vapor in large & small facilities ensuring rapid & effective aerial as well as surface sanitization all around.
    AEROJET STERIZ is widely used in :
  • Poultries, hatcheries, kennels, stables, veterinary surgeries and animal hospitals.
  • It can be used with most liquid disinfectants, giving it the advantage of use against a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses and fungi or for the treatment of a specific entity.