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Hospitals are home to tons of medical equipment that are responsible for aiding doctors with accurate statistics and readings regarding a patient’s health condition. With regular usage, the medical equipment under go wear and tear that may hamper their accuracy. These instruments are extremely sensitive and so every time they’re used or moved, the readings could be affected. Calibration is the process undertaken by specialized professionals to ensure that the medical equipment functions effectively with heightened accuracy.

Mistakes are unacceptable in carrying out such crucial examinations, as a patient’s life is at stake. Minor errors in the reading could prove to be fatal. Hence, periodic calibration is necessary to reduce the risk of inaccuracy and guarantee precision. While a device might seem to be in good condition on the outside, regular and intensive hospital use often leads to significant internal depreciation or damage. Thus, calibration must be done at regular time intervals. NABH Guidelines suggest that a third party must calibrate critical instruments once in six months and the other instruments once in a year.

Best patient care can only be guaranteed by calibration. At Caremarque, we are a team of certified technicians that posses the expertise to provide your hospital with precise safety checks and innovative solutions that will improve the performance, functionality, precision and life-span of your equipment. Team Caremarque provides the services listed below:

  • Proper Installation
  • Inspection
  • Testing
  • Data Accuracy
  • Maintenance
  • Performance
  • Safety Precision
  • Damage Control for Machine Longevity