Hospitals bring out the worst in patients as many of them are anxious beyond measure. Members of the hospital must bear this in mind as they deal with every patient that walks in. Thus, one has to be particular yet courteous in conduct. The behavior of the hospital staff must serve as a reminder that hospitals are all about healing. Here are three simple hospital etiquettes, that will ensure that your patients feel secure and leave hale and hearty!


The Covid19 Pandemic has revolutionized the hygiene and infection control protocols like never before! These changes are here to stay in order to protect patients and the hospital staff from being infected. Hand Hygiene needs to be followed religiously. The staff needs to ensure that they effectively use masks and PPE kits to minimalize the risk of contraction and spread of infection. The OT and critical care units demand strict infection prevention requirements like well laundered and clean clothes, caps, masks and suitable footwear. All the waste that is generated must be responsibly segregated and disposed. For example, all contaminated and infectious disposables must go on the yellow disposable bags.


Hospitals demand quick and effective communication skills, as messages need to be quick and precise. Successful communication is key within the staff members, but it does not end there. The staff must engage in friendly conversations with the patients to assure them that everything will be well taken care of. Building such strong personal relationships helps patients confide and trust in you during the course of the treatment and thereafter.


A smile goes a long way, and especially in hospitals. The hospital staff need to maintain a positive environment for the sake of all their patients who are often found in a state of anxiety, hence a smile or a friendly gesture helps calm them down and trust the process.

Constructively applied, these basic etiquettes have the power to change the face of your hospital and make it an abode of health, happiness and healing. Hence, it is of utmost importance to train your staff accordingly. 

Caremarque Healthcare Consultancy educates the hospital staff to employ these little gestures that can lay significant impacts on your patients. Remember, if there is no personal touch in your dealing with the patients, it’s likely that they won’t return for future treatment. But if they are treated well and leave happy and healthy, they will definitely refer you to their friends and family! 

Trust us when we say that word of mouth can work wonders to extend the reach of your hospital! At Caremarque, we believe that little things matter and thus emphasize on traditional methods like these that are key to the success of a hospital.

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